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Isnin, 31 Januari 2011

Keramat Sungai Udang - Makam Keempat Belas


Alhamdulillah, setelah selesai urusan kerja di Port Dickson dari 21-23 Januari 2011, maka hamba sekeluarga telah selamat sampai kembali ke Keramat Sungai Udang @ Sheikh Ahmad Majnun pada 23 Januari 2011,/18 Safar 1432, kira-kira jam 3 petang. Semasa di hotel, sempatlah juga anak-anak 'berekreasi' dengan si ayahnya hanya memerhati, dek badan kurang sihat.  Kalau staf kerajaan mmg macam nilah, nak sewa hotel selalu memang 'membazirkan duit', waktu urusan kerja di hotellah digunakan untuk bawa anak-isteri berjalan dan sedikit riadhah.

Sebelum sampai, kami bersolat Zohor di Masjid Jamek sebuah pekan kecil Rantau Panjang. Ini kali kedua kami sampai ke sini, kali pertama dah lebih 5 tahun, ketika anak masih dua orang. Makam ini terletak di Pengkalan Kempas, tidak begitu jauh dari Port Dickson, 30 km lebih... Jika Makam Mat Kilau makam ke12, makam Sultan Arifin Sheikh Ismail merupakan Makam ke-13 dan makam Sheikh Ahmad Majnun merupakan makam ke 14. Ada batu bersurat di sini dan nama Sheikh Ahmad Majnun dapat dibaca di salah satu 'muka' batu bersurat ini. Setelah menyelesaikan kerja hamba, kami kembali ke rumah melalui jalan Rantau...

The shrine of Sungai Udang is situated near the Negeri Sembilan � Melaka State boarder, about 40 kilometers south of Port Dickson. It consists of several stone monuments of carved monoliths of granite such as Batu Acheh which is made of standstone with inscriptions and a Muslim grave surrounded by laterite. Here stand three carved granite monoliths, popularly known as 'sword', the 'spoon' and the 'rudder' due to their shapes. There are the only stones curved, adding to the mystery surrounding their past. The stones are thought to date from the 2nd or 3rd century, though they are evidently related in some way to the adjacent grave of Sheikh Ahmad Majnun, who died in the 15th century.

According to local legend, the 'sword' represents the sword worn by the Sheikh. The 'sword' does seem to have a special significance as it is the only stone fully curved on the facade. The tomb of Sheikh Ahmad Majnun, on Islam missionary, is one of the oldest Islamic graves in Malaysia. The inscriptions, carved on a pillar on front of the grave, date it to the years 1467-1468. The pillar is known locally as the 'ordeal stone' because of the circular hole below the inscriptions which, according to popular belief is an ancient lie detector. The suspect put his arm through the hole and, if he lies, the stone is said to tighten around it. 

The Pengkalan Kempas Historical Complex, also known as Fort Kempas, is located about 35 km from Port Dickson Town, in a small town of which it takes its name from. This town used to be a historical port, but its main attraction for visitors today is the megalith stones located inside the complex and a nearby river called Sungai Linggi which is popular with fishermen for its abundant freshwater prawns called 'Udang Galah'.

Crocodiles have been spotted swimming in this river, and very rarely, will sometimes swim out to the sea all the way up to Tanjung Tuan, where there are popular beach areas. The historical complex is the site of a tomb belonging to a Syeikh Ahmad Majnun, a Islamic teacher who was slain in battle with the army of Sultan Mansor Shah of Malacca. This is why the historical complex is also called Keramat Sungai Udang, which refers to the tomb. It is believed to be the oldest Muslim grave in Malaysia, dating back to the 14th Century. The locals here view the tomb as a shrine. Other than the grave, the site has several megalith stones, called 'Batu Bersurat' in Malay.

 Lubang ini boleh diseluk tangan kedalamnya dan digunakan untuk 'mencari penjenayah', menyelesaikan masalah antara penduduk kampung pada zaman dahulu.

The most famous of these stones is a set of three that resemble a spoon, rudder and sword respectively. The locals imagine these stones as being magical and able to grow in size. At another side, there is a large stone with a hole drilled through it. It is said to be a lie detector and to insert your hand in while telling a fib will cause the stone to tighten around it. Small fences have been erected around the stones, because too many visitors and tourists have probably been stepping on them. The stones are also protected by a large wooden shelter so you can visit this place even while it's raining.

 'Sudu' tu pernah patah dan disambung kembali dengan simen. Yang kanan tu 'pedang'.

 Kawasan makam dari luar

 Salah satu batu megalith

 Kelihatan dua buah rumah yang terdapat dalam kawasan ini. Memandangkan ini antara makam tertua di Malaysia (mengikut bukti sejarah), adalah elok ia dijaga dengan baik.

 Anda boleh berkhalwat di sini kerana surau yang disediakan agak luas

 Sumbangan Tourism Malaysia

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